
Denton Jacobs

Denton Jacobs is a Software Engineering Manager at InspereX, a financial services firm in Chicago, San Francisco, and Delray Beach, Florida. He’s married and has an amazing daughter. These ladies are a constant source happiness and keep him incredibly busy. He recently completed a Master’s Degree, some 20+ years after college.

Most of Denton’s articles and notes can be found here, on his own site, but you can also find him on Mastodon. Some of his code is on Github, and his professional details are on LinkedIn.

Or, you can always him.

This site, at least in it’s current incarnation, was built with a modified fork of Casey Liss’s Camel, affectionately dubbed Koala. There’s been some modification to do some additional server-side processing, and to support other features of the indie web. Hopefully more additions and adjustments are forthcoming.

All content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.